Personalized Policy

200,000+ bills and regulations are introduced in the U.S. annually, find the ones that matter to you faster than ever.

Identify & Influence

Navigate the red tape of complex public policy with the help of advanced artificial intelligence


Powered by AI

Using artificial intelligence trained to comprehend legal documents, we empower everyday people with a deep understanding of policy.


You no longer have to search for relevant policy, it finds you


We highlight parts of legislation that matters to you


We draft messages, reports, and legal documents from your unique perspective


Complete Workflow

Discover, collaborate, and outreach; Nuralex is your legislative assistant at a fraction of the time, cost, and effort.


Forget Boolean searches! We master the details of what policies you care about so you don't have to tell us.


Collaborate with your team and organize focused campaigns.


Share info with legislators, advocates, and other parties outside Nuralex.

Your Company
Nuralex is a solution that enables organizations/constituents to identify & influence public policy that impacts their interests.
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